Mission Call


On December 12th, I woke up, taught class (taught is being used loosely here), and then everybody gathered around my laptop to skype my family. My mission call came. After a month of waiting (longest wait of my life!) my call finally arrived at my house in Highland, Utah and I could not have been more excited to hear where the Lord wanted me to serve. My dad held up the call to the webcam and I read the words…

“Dear Sister Knudsen: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the ITALY ROME MISSION. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, May 1, 2013. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Italian language.”


I could not be more excited for this call!!!!!!!!! I was so surprised for this call, but now it seems perfect! Living in China, learning some Chinese,adapting so well to the culture, and even turning my papers in China made me feel sure that I was going to Taiwan or Chinese speaking. But now I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in Italy. I’ve taken Art History and Latin all through high school and loved those classes (which I’m sure contributed to me going to Italy). I’m actually really grateful that I get to learn Italian, instead of Chinese (let’s be honest here—I would’ve failed at Chinese). Plus the Rome Temple will most likely be dedicated while I’m there and I could not be more excited for this huge event!! My availably date was February 1st, but I don’t’ leave till May 1st and you know what? I’m okay with that! I can wait that long for Italy, it’s enough time for me to take classes (already registered for Italian!), I get to be there for one of my best friend’s wedding, and I get to see my sister who will get off her mission in April! All of this just shows me that my call truly came from God and I hope I will not let him down!


Kiera made me these brownies in celebration, isn’t she the best?


Man I can’t believe it. I feel so blessed. I can’t wait to help those people of Italy!